Sunday, May 10, 2015

Week 4

    This week was pretty productive, we got a lot of work in. When we were done with our work in classes we would go out into the hall and practice. We kept adding to the combination until literally 5 mins before we had to present. When I presented, I believe I did pretty well. Having my slide show and background music (classical music) to add effect was great. Morgan was with my during the presentation and danced with me so I wasn't by mysef and I was pretty greatful because I forgot the last part of my combo.
   All in all, I think I did pretty well with learning all the stuff I learned and I think if I did this more often I would be pretty good, it's just the technical stuff is kind of hard. If I have to do genius hour I'm 99% I'm going to just pick up on this and continue. But for the time being I'm going to continue to stretch and practice what I know and if me and Morgan aren't busy we are going learn a tad bit more here and there.
   Also I want to thank Morgan (she's fixing my arms in the picture) for being a wonderful teacher and for helping me, and putting up with me for the past 5 weeks- constantly correcting me and fixing my arms. Wouldn't of been able to do my project without her!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Week 3

   This week was kinda a slow one. I didn't get to work with Morgan with my dances, so I just practiced at home and did a little bit of research. I have been stretching quite a ton so I wouldn't be as sore, and improving my flexibility. I still have been stretching my feet and I can feel a difference, but not some much see a difference. I researched a lot about pointe shoes, and they different types and training for it, and found out a lot.
    There are about 6 types of pointe shoes, and depending on your foot type, you get a certain type of shoe. I also found that it takes years and years of training to even think about pointe, because you need to build certain muscles to support you while you're on your toes. The earlier you start, the earlier you can start working on pointe. But that is only for ballet, jazz, tap, and all the other type of dances aren't as strict. So next week I should be learning more to the little dance I'm going to preform and I will update you on it. See you next week!